Dr. Abe’s concert will NOT be livestreamed today due to downed tree
Dear Siblings in Spirit, The Spectrum cable was torn down by a tree and there is no internet. The program will be recorded, however, and I will post highlights. Peblejah!.. read more →

Dr. Abe’s Concert on Sunday, 10/13/24 will be livestreamed!
Dear Siblings in Spirit, Some of you have asked about my next program. Here it is, “Life, Love, Laughter: A Journey in Songs and Smiles.” A program of original music.. read more →

Dr. Abe in concert, 10/13/24 in Wake Forest, NC
Dear Siblings in Spirit, Some of you have asked about my next program. Here it is, “Life, Love, Laughter: A Journey in Songs and Smiles.” A program of original music.. read more →

Dr. Abe wins composition award from UK
Dear Siblings in Spirit, I am delighted and honored to be one of the winners of the Fred Pratt Green Hymn Competition. Click on the link below and scroll down.. read more →

Dr. Abe to celebrate ministry of Spirit of Peace Lutheran Church, Milwaukee, WI on February 25, 2024
If you want to sing in the choir and are searching for music scores and mp3s, all five anthems are posted under the “sheet music” tab. The mp3s will be.. read more →

Cookies and Choir: An Interfaith music meet up with munchies!
Meet people from various denominations and faiths to learn music for the annual MLK, Jr celebration on January 14, 2024. Dates: Monday, 1/8/24: rehearsal, 7 -8:30, with coffee/tea and international.. read more →

May 6 program at White Plains United Methodist Church featured two songs by Dr. Abe
The event called, Connecting the Dots: Community, Justice and Joy, was a fund raiser for the Appalachian Service Project, a ministry to assist one of the most economically challenged areas of.. read more →

Choir to sing at MLK, Jr. Interfaith Celebration in Cary, NC
This Sunday there will be an interfaith celebration in honor of MLK, J.r at Christ the King Lutheran Church, Cary, NC. Click on the link below for the poster. http://worldhousemusic.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/MLK-Interfaith-Celebration-Cary-NC-2023.png.. read more →

Dr. Abe’s 2022 Promo Video
World House Music presents, “Life, Love, Laughter: A Journey in Songs and Smiles,” a fun, family friendly, interactive program of music by Dr. Abe. Be prepared to sing along, tap.. read more →

ALCM Discount offer through July, 2022
On Tuesday, 7/19/22 at the ALCM convention in Valparaiso, IN, Linda Martin offered a workshop entitled, “No Age Limits: Exploring an Intergenerational Choir.” I am excited that my book, “All.. read more →
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