We Are Grateful – Church Without Walls

August 5, 2020
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This song was commissioned to celebrate 162 years of ministry of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church (OSLC) in Milwaukee, WI. The final service took place on Sunday, July 26, 2020. Although the physical doors will close, the community will continue as will the many “ministries begotten here” such as The Next Door Foundation, and others.
OSLC was my home church for many years, and I was one of the ministers of music there for some time. I played for funerals, baptisms and weddings there. I raised my children there. It was a place “where memories of pain and joy embrace.” I hope that this song recognizes the pain of the closing, but celebrates the years of vibrant ministry, and leaves us with a sense of hope, because “God does not dwell in temples but in hearts filled with Agape love.”
Biblical references: Romans 8:38-39, Acts 17:24 Words and music © 2020 World House Music www.WorldHouseMusic.org CCLI # 7156936. Thanks to Jay Helms for the original video recording. Thanks to John Seboldt for the choral and instrumental production based on it, and to all the vocalists and instrumentalists who participated in it.

For the original solo video, click below.

For the choral /instrumental video production, click below


For the piano vocal score with congregational lead sheet, click below