Old Wine in New Skins – Favorite hymn and Biblical texts in new settings by Dr. Abe

August 30, 2018
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SAVE THE DATE! It’s going to be an ecumenical, urban-suburban, inter-generational, cross-cultural musical party!                                   .. read more →

Music for Tanzania project: at 92.5 % OF SCHOLARSHIP GOAL!

July 30, 2018
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Brothers and Sisters, I’M JUMPING UP AND DOWN AND DOING SUMMERSAULTS…well..the summersaults part is a bit of exageration.  LOL! For the benefit of newcomers, here’s a summary of this project,.. read more →


July 1, 2018
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Brothers and Sisters, For the benefit of newcomers, here’s a summary of the project.  We have two goals: To send a concert grand piano to Tumaini University Makumira in Tanzania;.. read more →

“Children at the Border”- video of song

June 19, 2018
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Brothers and Sisters, Here is my song, “Children at the Border.” The link below is the YouTube video. The piano vocal score and the lead sheet (lyrics with melody and.. read more →

Tanzania Scholarship project up to 89% funded!

May 17, 2018
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Thanks to the generosity of my childhood buddies, Angel and Patricia Cardona, we hit the 88% mark! Then another gift came from Jose and Ronnie Melendez.  Jose was one of.. read more →