Music for Tanzania project: at 92.5 % OF SCHOLARSHIP GOAL!
Brothers and Sisters,
I’M JUMPING UP AND DOWN AND DOING SUMMERSAULTS…well..the summersaults part is a bit of exageration. LOL!
For the benefit of newcomers, here’s a summary of this project, and the reason for my jubilation. The project has two goals:
1. To send a concert grand piano to Tumaini University Makumira in Tanzania
2. To provide $10,000 in scholarship funds.
1. February 28, 2016: First Fundraising concert for the piano took place at Kirk of Kildaire Presbyterian Church, in Cary NC.
2. February 28, 2017: A year TO DATE, the piano cleared customs in Tanzania and a few weeks later it was uncrated at the University. It is the first concert grand piano at a university in all of East Africa! Tanzania alone is twice the size of the state of California. Imagine the entire west coast of the USA without a single concert grand piano! That was the situation in Tanzania until 2017. See pictures of students and faculty playing it on the WHM website or FB page.
3. February 18, 2018, First fundraising concert for scholarship fund took place at White Plains United Methodist Church, in Cary
4. April 8, 2018 Fundraising concert for scholarship fund at Christ the King Lutheran Church, in Cary,
Today, I rejoice because we received a pledge of $250 from Cross Lutheran Church in Milwaukee! Thank you Sister Pastor Michelle Townsend de Lopez for leading your church to support this project! This brings us to 92.5% of our $10K scholarship goal! We are less than $750 to goal!!!
$250 sponsors a student for an entire semester of study at Tumaini University Makumira in Tanzania. This covers all tuition, fees, and health insurance. $250/semester may not seem a lot to many of us, but to Tanzanians with an average income of $3/day, a university education is an inconceivable dream without outside support. This is truly life transforming for them, their families and their communities.
If you can, please consider sponsoring a student for a semester, or making a contribution of any amount towards this dream. All gifts are tax deductive, and 100% of your gift goes towards the scholarship. Donations may be made through the WHM website, FB page, Paypal or mail.
Thanks, and
Dr. Abe
Abe Cáceres, Ph.D., Director
World House Music
“World House Music, a 501(c)3 organization, shares the joy and hope of peacemaking across cultural and religious boundaries through the magic of music and dance.”
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