Charlottesville: My Country ‘Tis of Thee
My brothers and sisters, this is not a partisan issue. This is about confronting evil.
Charlottesville verses to tune of “My Country Tis of Thee”
Alt-Right was underground
Until it felt it found
White House allies.
Charlottesville tragedy
Fits Alt-Right strategy:
Make the headlines for the world to see
Neo-Nazis rise.
The Klan now needs no hood
Because it’s understood
They helped Trump win.
45’s in a bind
Can’t publicly malign
White supremacy of any kind.
Bannon has a grin.
Potus coerced to pan
Bigotry of the Klan,
And Alt-Right, too.
Hate groups called out by name
But backtracks with the claim
The “Alt-Left” has to share the blame
Follows Bannon’s cue.
My Country ‘Tis of Thee
Rejecting bigotry
Of thee I sing.
May the sins of our history,
And the hope of our future be
Reconciled for posterity
And Let freedom ring.
NOT fake news.
“If you’re not outraged, you haven’t been paying attention” Heather D. Heyer’s mom, Susan Bro
© 2017 Abe Cáceres,
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