83% of Tumaini University Scholarship fund goal raised!
Brothers and Sisters,
Dimensions of Love concert on February 18, was both an artistic and financial success! WHM is grateful to Shaw University Treble Ensemble, the White Plains United Methodist choir and the WPUMC Hispanic youth percussion ensemble for their inspired performances. The final numbers are in: $2333 was raised at the concert. We have now reached 83% of our $10,000 goal of scholarship funds for students in Tanzania!
Dr. Abe
Some comments about the concert:
“My mother-in-law was in town and she said the concert was the highlight of her trip.” Rebecca
“Shaw University Treble choir was impressive! Small in number but big in spirit and sound!” Alicia
“WPUMC music ministry offered a variety of selections – all beautifully rendered. The choral arrangement with cello of ‘For Everyone Born’ was moving.” John
“The youth percussion ensemble seemed a bit nervous – as to be expected as it was their debut performance, but they played with energy and precision. I liked that both guys and gals were featured as drummers.” Alicia
“What a treat to hear about good things happening in Africa!” Elise
“Dr. Abe has a gift of being able to engage the audience in song and story.” Rob
“Dr. Abe’s songs were wonderful. ‘My Buddy, Hava’ is hilarious. ‘I’ll Take it All,’ and ‘Fruit of the Fruit of Our Love,’ were tender and filled out the Dimensions of Love theme. I liked his stories, too.” George
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